The ASKAP team continues to process test observations requested during preparations for pilot surveys. The latest release on CASDA is a 4-tile continuum image of the Large Magellanic Cloud field. The LMC is a complicated field, containing many supernova remnants as well as 30 Doradus, the most active star-forming region in the local group. This field was observed in spectral line mode to image its neutral hydrogen emission, but also in continuum mode with 1 MHz channels to assist in the calibration of the spectral line data. The continuum image is itself spectacular and has now been released on CASDA . It can be found by searching for scheduling block 8532. Comparison of LMC optical image from DSS observations (left) and the ASKAP continuum image (right) showing remarkable correspondence, with similar structures visible in both. More details are given in the July ASKAP Commissioning Update .