Kumar et al. report the detection of repeat bursts from the source of FRB 171019, one of the brightest fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected in the ASKAP “fly’s eye” survey . Two bursts from the source were detected with the Green Bank Telescope in observations centered at 820 MHz. The repetitions are The two repetitions, which are almost 600 times fainter than the FRB detected with ASKAP, were the only ones found in an observing campaign for this FRB totaling 1000 hr, which also included ASKAP and the 64-m Parkes radio telescope, over a two year period. The inferred scaling of repetition rate with fluence of this source agrees with the other repeating source, FRB 121102. The detection of faint pulses from FRB 171019 shows that at least some FRBs selected from bright samples will repeat if follow-up observations are conducted with more sensitive telescopes.
The image shows dynamic spectra for the bursts detected at GBT and ASKAP FRB 171019 dedispersed at their optimal DM. From left: repeat burst 1 (resolution = 1.31 ms), repeat burst 2 (resolution = 2.62 ms), and the original ASKAP FRB 171019 (resolution = 1.26 ms). For each burst, the top panel shows the flux density averaged over frequency channels. All three bursts from this source show no evidence of scattering and have consistent pulse widths. More details are given in the paper , published in the Astrophysical Journal .
As Monday 27th is the Australia Day public holiday, the next ADAP will be Tuesday 28th.