The February 2020 edition of the ASKAP update is now available. In addition to news on the progress of the pilot surveys, the newsletter describes the SWAG-X project undertaken in support of the eROSITA X-ray mission. SWAG-X (the Survey With ASKAP of GAMA-09 + X-ray) involves ASKAP observations of the eFEDS (eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey) test fields to provide multi-wavelength data as an observatory project, of wide benefit to the international community. ASKAP’s existing survey teams were consulted to determine the observing strategy, which involves 6 tiles across two bands. Test observations at 888 MHz in continuum mode were completed last year and have now been processed. These will be released via the science data archive after quality control, hopefully within the next month. Spectral line data has also been taken at this wavelength and further observations are planned at 1296 MHz to cover the neutral hydrogen line. The iamge above shows a preliminary mosaicked image of the 888 MHz SWAG-X continuum data, with the eROSITA eFEDS coverage marked in green.