The angular resolution of a telescope improves with the diameter of the dish, or with the spacing between elements of the array. The technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry uses antennas spaced thousands of kilometres apart to achieve angular resolutions measured in milli-arcseconds. The ATNF telescopes work together with those from the University of Tasmania, the Hartebeesthoek 26m of the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, and the Auckland University of Technology to form the Long Baseline Array. A week-long LBA session is currently underway, with projects scheduled being “Determining near-periastron properties of the hottest and most luminous colliding-wind binary with LBA,” “Structure and Size of SN 1996cr, the Strongest Optically-Identified Radio Supernova,” “Astrometric Observation of Methanol Masers: Determining Galactic Structure and Investigating High-Mass star formation,” “Toward a sub-parsec accuracy for VLBI distance measurement of PSR J0437–4715,” “VLBI observations of radio stars using large radio telescopes,” “A first epoch LBA observation of a new gamma-ray binary,” and “Resolving Stellar Magnetospheres using the LBA.” (Image credit: Chris Phillips)