Stars like our Sun possess a magnetic field, and produce a solar wind of high energy particles, but are not intrinsically bright sources at radio wavelengths. However, certain classes of stars with strong magnetic fields and plasma winds can produce significant radio emission. The capability of the stellar magnetic fields to trap out-flowing mass can produce periodic variability in radio and optical spectral line emisson. Leto et al. describe ATCA measurements over the frequency range 2.1–21.2 GHz of the magnetic star ρ Oph A. These new ATCA observations, carried out over 3 epochs in March 2019, enabled the rotational modulation of the stellar radio emission to be determined, P = 0.75 days. Additionally, the detection of two highly polarized pulses at 2.1 GHz indicates that the coherent stellar Auroral Radio Emission is being produced.
The figure above shows the rotational variability of the ρ Oph A radio emission. The left panels show the total intensity (Stokes I) and the right panels show the circularly polarized intensity (Stokes V). The vertical orange bars (centred at a phase of 0.3) highlight the range of phases where Stokes V is clearly negative at frequencies above 5.5 GHz and the light-blue bars (centred at a phase of 0.75) refer to the phase range with Stokes V > 0. More details are given in the paper , published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society .