The ASKAP Update for April is now available. In addition to news on Observatory operations in the COVID-19 era, and Pilot survey workflow and disk allocation, and update is given on ASKAP development. One area where progress has been made is the beam formation and update code. Recent work includes development and operational deployment of a frequency interpolation scheme to replace beam weights corrupted by RFI during the measurement process. The plots above show the difference between raw weight solutions in the presence of satellite RFI (visible as vertical stripes), and the weights after interpolation. The horizontal axis shows frequency channel and the vertical axis is PAF port ID. The colour scale in each block shows the amplitude (upper half) and phase (lower half) of the complex weight assigned to each PAF port for this beam. Interpolation should improve both the success rate of the weight computation process, and data quality in bands impacted by time-variable interference. It does not remove the RFI from science observations but prevents it from being frozen into the beam weights themselves. (Image credit: Aaron Chippendale)