Zhang et al. have re-processed the observations obtained from 1997 to 2001 with the Parkes Multibeam receiver system in order to identify transient events — short burts of radio emission. They have created a database that records over 568 million pulse candidates generated during this search — a fraction of which are due to radio frequency interference. In doing so, they discovered a new fast radio burst (FRB), FRB 010305, with a dispersion measure of 350 pc/cm^3 and explored why so few FRBs have been discovered in data prior to 2001. They detect large single pulsars from a number of known pulsars, and also present five single pulse candidates from unknown sources, but with Galactic dispersion measures. They extract a diverse range of sources from the database, which can be used, for example, as a training set of data for new software being developed to search for FRBs in the presence of radio frequency interference.
The image above shows the integrated pulse profile (top) for FRB 010305, after de-dispersing with the optimized DM of 350 pc/cm^3 (central) and the frequency-time plane without de-dispersion (bottom). The time axis shows the time since the start of the observation (March 5, 2001 12:25:22 UTC) with a resolution of 1.5 ms. More details are given in the paper , to be published in Astrophysical Journal Supplement .