Michelle Cluver (Swinburne University of Technology)

Abstract: With the majority of galaxies in the local universe located in galaxy groups, these environments are considered key to understanding the evolution of the overall galaxy population. Using the mid-infrared WISE all sky survey, in combination with high fidelity environment characterisation from the GAMA survey, we investigate the mass and star-forming properties of local galaxy groups. We find indications of environmental processes modifying the star-forming properties of galaxies, with the stellar mass distributions of so-called “quenched” late-types suggesting that they may be an intermediate population, akin to the green valley. However, only with forthcoming large-area HI and radio continuum surveys, will we be in a position to measure the levels of active transformation in these systems and determine the impact of pre-processing and AGN activity in these environments. In this talk I will also highlight some of the other WISE work being undertaken in support of the SKA and its pathfinders. This includes work on nearby galaxies and the MeerKAT Early Science Project, MeerHOGS.