Riseley et al. have published the second paper from the POlarised GLEAM Survey, where GLEAM is the GaLactic and Extragalactic All-Sky Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Survey. The survey covers the sky in the Declination range −82◦ to +30◦ at a resolution between around three and seven arcminutes (depending on Declination) using data in the frequency range 169−231 MHz. A total of 517 sources were detected with 200 MHz linearly-polarised flux densities between 9.9 mJy and 1.7 Jy, of which 33 are known radio pulsars. The Faraday rotation measures are broadly consistent with results from higher-frequency surveys, but with typically more than an order of magnitude improvement in the precision, highlighting the power of low-frequency polarisation surveys to accurately study Galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields.
The image above shows the surface density of POGS extragalctic sources (black circles) derived using a HEALPix Mollweide projection in Equatorial J2000 coordinates. Dashed and solid curves denote GLEAM exclusion regions. The paper will be published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia .