Bhandari et al. present the detection of fast radio burst, FRB 191001, during commensal observations conducted with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) as part of the Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients (CRAFT) survey. The sub-arcsecond localisation of the FRB provided by ASKAP reveals that the burst originated in the outskirts of a highly star-forming spiral in a galaxy pair at redshift z=0.23. FRB 191001 is the brightest of the bursts localized to its host galaxy by ASKAP to date. Although the FRB only lasted several milli-seconds, it was so bright it was also detected as a transient in the single 10-s snapshot image from the low-time-resolution visibilities obtained simultaneously with CRAFT data. The image above shows the dynamic spectrum (brightness as a function of frequency and time) of FRB 191001. The data were coherently de-dispersed at the DM of 508 pc/cm^3 measured for the burst. The scintillation bandwidth for the burst (i.e., the range of frequency over which the burst changes from faint to bright) is ∼600 kHz at 824 MHz, which is consistent with predictions for diffractive scintillation induced by the interstellar medium of our Milky Way Galaxy along this line of sight. The paper will be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters .