Wen et al. have recently reported on a detailed study on the mode switching in pulsar J1326−6700 based on data with the Parkes 64-m radio telescope at 1369 MHz. In the abnormal mode, the emission from the central and trailing components is extremely weak, whereas, the leading emission shifts slightly earlier, and remains in this position for typically less than a minute. The mean flux density of the normal mode is almost five times that of the abnormal mode, with the pulsar in the normal mode for 85% of the time. The estimated delay emission heights based on kinematical effects suggest that the abnormal mode may be originated from a higher altitude than the normal mode.
The figure above shows the longitude–time diagram showing intensity variations for 2000 individual pulses from PSR J1326−6700. Time extends from top to bottom through pulses and successive pulses are plotted from left to right. The top-left panel shows a comparison of the mean pulse profile for the normal emission mode (solid red) and abnormal emission mode (dashed cyan). The bottom-right panel is the ∆χ2 for the corresponding profiles on the top. In the bottom-left panel, the histogram of the ∆χ2 for the entire data set is indicated with the black solid line. The blue solid line represents the fitting based on the combination of two Gaussian components (dashed cyan and dashed red lines). The yellow bars indicate the ±1σ range around the fitted two peaks.