SINGG — the Survey of Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies — entailed optical imaging of 468 HIPASS detections. Inspection of the SINGG images revealed 15 fields that had four or more emission line galaxies within the 15 arcminute HIPASS beam, and these SINGG groups were naturally named “Choirs”! Dzudzar et al. have used the ATCA to study the HI content of Choir groups. The image above shows the the velocity field of the HIPASS J0205-55 group in the limit from 5600 to 6660 km/s, for the Choir group galaxies shown in yesterday’s ADAP. Panels of the HI spectra for each detected galaxy in the J0205-55 group. The enhanced colour shows where the spectrum was integrated. The double-horned HI profiles typify giant spiral disks and indicate rotationally supported disks. More details are give in the paper by Dzudzar et al. , published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society .