The ASKAP Update for January is now available, and includes reports on PIlot Surveys Phase I processing nd Pilot Surveys Phase II planning, together with a description of observations undertaken over the Christmas/New Year period. These observations were scheduled using a new automated system called SAURON (Scheduling ASKAP Under Reactive Observational Needs) that links to the new array start-up mechanism configured via scheduling block parameters. Following a recent upgrade, ASKAP now writes data to a fully independent disk array on the newly commissioned ingest cluster at the Pawsey supercomputing centre. This combination allows better observing efficiency through improved configuration flexibility and increases the ability of the telescope to correct small issues that arise on individual subsystems without human intervention. The image above shows the completion status of the observational pool as covered by SAURON during the Christmas period. Grey circles indicate an observation which has not been observed, while green squares show successfully completed observations. Anything which was attempted but errored is marked as a red cross until the next attempt to observe it is successful. (Image credit: Vanessa Moss)