Reynolds et al. present results from neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) observations of the Hydra I cluster taken as part of the Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind Survey (WALLABY). The Hydra I cluster contains 581 optically detected galaxies, of which 51 galaxies are detected in HI emission. Reynolds et al. consider in detail one of these, ESO 501−G075, that lies near the edge of the cluster and displays an HI tail directed away from the cluster centre. They conclude that, ESO 501−G075 is likely recently infalling into the cluster and in the early stages of experiencing ram pressure.
The image shows a arey-scale Pan-STARRS of ESO 501−G075 with overlaid ASKAP HI column density contours. The filled orange circle in the lower left corner shows the ASKAP synthesised beam size. The red dashed rectangle indicates the box used to extract the position-velocity diagram and column density profile examined elsewhere in the paper. The line in the lower right corner indicates a physical scale of 10 kpc for a distance to ESO 501−G075 of 61 Mpc (about 200 million light years).