Pennock et al. have recently presented an analysis of a new ASKAP radio continuum image of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) at 888 MHz with a beam size of 13.9 arcsec × 12.1 arcsec, They present a catalogue of 54,612 sources, divided over a Gold list (30,866 sources) complete down to 0.5 mJy, a Silver list (22,080 sources) of fainter sources, and a Bronze list (1,666 sources) of visually inspected sources in areas of high noise and/or near bright complex emission. While the source lists are dominated by extragalactic sources seen behind the LMC, the detections include planetary nebulae, young stellar objects, HII regions, supernova remnants, bubbles, novae and X-ray binaries in the LMC.

The image above shows the region of the LMC around N119, a large HII region in the LMC, measuring 430 light-years × 570 light-years across. It is large, Its peculiar S-shaped structure (reminiscent of a barred spiral galaxy) may have been caused by powerful stellar winds and explosions in the original nebula, or may have result from collision of two molecular clouds. The bubble at the bottom of the image is the supernova remnant LHG 27, named as it is the 27th SNR in the list compiled from X-ray observations by Long, Helfand and Grabelski in 1981.