Recently the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA) passed the 1 petabyte (1 PB = one million gigabytes) mark. This means that CASDA now holds more than 1 PB of processed science data from the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. This milestone is made possible by the hard work of the ASKAP operations and IM&T (CSIRO Information Management and Technology) CASDA teams. The majority of the data in CASDA is from Phase 1 of Pilot Surveys, obtained to test the full ASKAP system and survey strategies for the ASKAP Survey Science Teams . Most of this Pilot Survey data is publicly available, and any unreleased data will be made public shortly. The Rapid All-Sky Continuum Survey (RACS) , the first all-sky continuum survey with ASKAP, is also a major component of the data now in CASDA. This observatory project is also publicly released in CASDA.

Please go to the CASDA landing page


to begin accessing the data.