Christene Lynch (ICRAR-Curtin)

Abstract: One of the principal systematic constraints on the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) experiment is the accuracy of the foreground calibration model. Recent results have shown that highly accurate models of extended foreground sources, and including models for sources in both the primary beam and its sidelobes, are necessary for reducing foreground power. To improve the source models in the EoR fields observed by the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), we conducted the Long Baseline Epoch of Reionisation Survey. This survey consists of multi-frequency observations, spanning 104 – 230 MHz, of the MWA EoR fields and their eight neighbouring fields using the MWA Phase II extended array. These observations provide high-resolution, (u,v)-components to compliment the existing (u,v)-plane sampling of these fields. Additionally, due to the better imaging capabilities of the MWA Phase II extended array, this survey improves upon the sensitivity of the GLEAM survey by roughly a factor of 5 in the EoR fields. This talk will present results from the first half of the LoBE survey and discuss the next steps for foreground modelling for the MWA EoR experiment.