Rejep et al. have investigated the emission properties of PSR J1727−2739, which has a mean pulse profile consisting of two main components, by analysing single-pulse observations made using the Parkes 64-m radio telescope, Murriyang. Rejep et al. used publicly available data from the Parkes Pulsar Data Archive from observations were carried out over 5 epochs between April and October 2014 with the center beam of the 20cm multibeam receiver. Previous studies reveal that PSR J1727−2739 exhibits both nulling and subpulse drifting, and Rejep et al. confirm the nulling fraction is about 66%. In addition to the previously known subpulse drifting in the leading component, they also explore the drifting properties for the trailing component. The figure above shows the pulse energy variations with time for observations in 2014 April, which shows many blocks of consecutive strong pulses separated by frequent nulls. The paper has been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society .