The ASKAP update for February describes plans for migration of CASDA (the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive) to new hardware and announces the return of an upgraded Observation Management Portal. Reports are also provided on RACS (the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey) and progress on Pilot Surveys Phase II. All observations have now been completed for RACS-high at 1656 MHz, with roughly half the survey fields imaged to date. The image above shows the noise map for RACS-high fields that have been processed. RACS-high uses the same tiling and footprint as RACS-mid. Tiles with higher noise levels are often impacted by the presence of a bright source: for example, the tile near an RA of -60 degrees and Declination of 40 degrees contains Cygnus A, which is a very bright source with complex structure. (Image credit: Emil Lenc)