Gürkan et al. have presented ASKAP observations of the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) 23h field at 887.5 MHz. The derived radio source catalogue has 39812 entries, and the multi-wavelength GAMA catalogue was used to determine the host galaxies of radio sources. For sources with multiple components, some visual inspection was required. Postage stamps like the one shown abaove were used to show ASKAP and VLASS (VLA Sky Survey) contours on WISE infra-red images in order to identify and collect objects with multiple components. Here the higher frequency VLASS images had an important role, as they often show the flat-spectrum core of an extended ASKAP source making optical identification far more robust. ASKAP contours are in yellow and VLASS contours in salmon, superimposed on on WISE images. The postage stamp is centered at the position of the source component to be inspected (indicated by a green ellipse). The red ellipse shows neighbouring (but not necessary physically related) sources and the white cross indicates the host galaxy position. The paper will be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society .