ASKAP is an array of thirty-six 12m antennas. The antenna locations were carefully chosen to provide good sensitivity to both extended radio emission (as seen in the plane of our Galaxy and the neighbouring Magellanic Clouds) and compact souces (such as distant radaio galaxies and quasars). Twenty-seven antennas were placed to provide a Gaussian distribution of spatial scales with a point spread function of 30 arcseconds. Three additional antennas were added to the core of the array to increase surface brightness sensitivity (i.e., to improve imaging of extended structures) and another six antennas were added on longer baselines (up to 6 km) in a “Reuleaux triangle” (a curved triangle with constant width) to provide improved resolution (approximately 10 arcseconds) for compact sources. The above view of ASKAP is looking towards the core of the array, where the antennas are most densely packed. (Image credit: Michael Reay)