Crawford et al. present four new fast radio bursts discovered in a search of the Parkes 70-cm pulsar survey data archive for dispersed single pulses and bursts. A total of 719905 single pulse candidates were detected in the survey, of which 75774 were classified as possibly real. All but 7 of the classified signals were either rejected by eye as not morphologically realistic or were determined to have come from known pulsars, some of which emitted many detectable pulses in a single observation (e.g., the Vela pulsar and PSR J0437−4715) Of the 7 unidentified signals, three were weak pulses with narrow widths and small Dispersion Measures, indicating likely Rapidly Rotating Transients (RRATs) in our Galaxy. The four FRBs discovered have significantly larger widths (> 50 ms) than almost all of the FRBs detected and cataloged to date, however, the large pulse widths are not dominated by interstellar scattering or dispersive smearing within channels. The image above shows the detection plot of FRB910730, which is the earliest FRB to have been detected by any radio telescope to date, predating the Lorimer Burst — the first Fast Radio Burst to be discovered — by almost a decade. Frequency channels corrupted by RFI (radio frequency interference) have been masked in the middle plot. Each panel shows the dedispersed pulse profile for the burst (top), signal strength (brightness) vs. frequency and time for the dedispersed pulse (middle), and signal strength (brightness) vs. DM and time (bottom). The burst widths are significantly larger than the widths measured for almost all of the FRBs detected and cataloged to date. This may indicate that many more such signals could be present in pulsar surveys which could have been missed in searches that did not increase the search window to sufficiently large values.