After a couple of weeks of wet and occasionally wild weather, there were many sighs of relief when Wednesday dawned sunny and calm, as the cryoPAF (cryogenically cooled Phased Array Feed) was scheduled to be have a test installation in the focus cabin of the Parkes 64m telescope, Murriyang. Installations proceed by tipping the Dish over, and hoisting the receiver to a position above the top of the focus cabin. The Dish is then stowed (pointing straight up) and the receiver lower through the top of the focus cabin into position. The cable to the right of the receiver is held on the ground to ensure the receiver does not swing like a pendulum on its way up! This test installation will last about 10 days, and allow some on-dish testing of the cryoPAF performance. Final installation is schedueld for next April. (Image credit: John Sarkissian)