The Parkes Multi-beam Pulsar Survey (PMPS) was a large survey undertaken between 1997 and 2002 with the Parkes 64m radio-telescope, Murriyang, using the then-new 13-beam 20cm multi-beam receiver , with all the data archived. As noted in an ADAP last week , the data-set has been re-analysed several times, discovering over 800 pulsars. Sengar et al. have reprocessed the PMPS data again, using a new GPU-accelerated search pipeline optimised for discovering narrow-duty cycle pulsars, discovering another 37 pulsars. While 19 of these have also been independently discovered in more recent pulsar surveys, 18 are exclusive to only the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey data. Two of the notable discoveries are PSR J1635-47 and PSR J1739-31, both of which show pronounced high-frequency emission. The figure above shows the de-dispersed frequency vs phase and pulse profile integrated over frequency for these two pulsars from follow-up observations using the Ultra-Wideband Low. PSR J1635−47 shows evidence for a turn-over in frequency, whilst PSR J1739−31 has a flat spectrum. The white dashed lines correspond to the frequency range of the original PMPS observations.