The Parkes Ultra-–Wide-bandwidth Low-frequency (UWL) receiver was installed on Murriyang, the 64 m Parkes Radio Telescope, in 2018. Observations with the UWL provide an instantaneous frequency coverage from 704 to 4032 MHz. Curylo et al. present an analysis of a 3 yr data set of thirty-five milli-second pulsars observed with the UWL by the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array, using wide-band timing methods. The two key differences compared to typical narrowband methods are (1) generation of two-dimensional templates accounting for pulse shape evolution with frequency and (2) simultaneous measurements of the pulse time of arrival (TOA) and dispersion measure (DM). The study showcases the excellent quality of UWL data across the whole band (free of substantial instrumental, calibration, or profile alignment errors).
The figure above shows pulse profiles at four frequencies throughout the UWL band for J0125−2327 (upper left to lower right: 894, 1380, 2699, and 3180 MHz). This pulsar was discovered with the Green Bank 100m telescope and is characterized by a profile with two leading components exhibiting strong evolution with frequency. The plots above show the observed profile shapes at four frequencies throughout the UWL band extracted from the average portrait (teal) and modeled pulse profiles (black). Despite obvious complexity of the pulse shape and its evolution, the model is closely tracing all visible details with high accuracy.