Prof. Jean-Francois Nezan (IETR – INSA, France)
Abstract: Projects in astronomy like the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) or the European Extremely Large Telescope are among the world’s largest Big Data projects and the largest international computing collaborations, with unique computing challenges in Signal Processing and Machine Learning (SPML) still to be solved. The challenge in terms of computing, data transport and storage capacity is to design a processing chain ranging from the acquisition of raw data from the sensors to the production and the analysis of multidimensional images of the sky with Worldwide Distributed Calculations. In that context, a new generation of Low-Power High-Performance Computing Systems has to replace general-purpose High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems to meet the challenge of climate change, including the reuse and upgrades of computing systems already operational in a recycling approach. State of the art Programming Models and their Development Frameworks are lagging behind in offering support for efficient use of resources, high service availability and quality and cost competitiveness. This presentation will discuss how dataflow models associated with platform- and component-based designs can help to tame complexity during the design and the operating phases of big projects in astronomy, assessing the performance both in time and energy of a complex scientific workflow on a not-yet-existing computing infrastructure.