Barnali Das recently joined CSIRO Space & Astronomy, Kensington as a Bolton Research Scientist. She earned her PhD from the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India in November 2021. During her PhD, she worked with Prof. Poonam Chandra on understanding coherent radio emission produced by magnetic massive stars. Following her PhD, she joined the University of Delaware as a postdoctoral researcher where she continued working on characterization of coherent radio emission, and also collaborated with Prof. Veronique Petit to investigate the role of binarity in the magnetospheric emission of hot stars. At CSIRO, she will use data from several instruments including the ASKAP and the ATCA to address some of the key questions regarding hot stars, such as the relation between coherent and incoherent radio emission, extracting signatures of centrifugal breakout from radio pulses, and also investigating the recent idea of a global model of magnetospheric operation irrespective of spectral types.