URSI, the International Radio Science Union, acknowledges scientific research in the field of Radio Science through awarding individuals with a number of URSI Medals and Prizes at its triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposia. This year, the John Howard Dellinger Gold Medal was awarded to Emeritus Professor Hisashi “Hirax” Hirabayashi for his contributions to the VSOP space VLBI mission. VSOP (the VLBI Space Observatory Programme) used the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technique to combine signals from an orbiting radio telescope aboard the HALCA satellite with those from ground based radio telescopes to synthesis a telescope bigger than the Earth. The ATCA and Mopra telescopes, together with the Hobart and Ceduna telescopes of the University of Tasmania, co-observed in a large number of VSOP observations between 1997 and 2003. Prof Hirabayashi was also a member of the Australia Telescope Steering Committee for a three-year term.