The ASKAP update for October reports on survey progress, ingest cluster maintenance and several new science data processing software features. ASKAP’s feature is its wide field-of-view enabled by its Phased Array Feeds. The existing w-projection scheme that ASKAPsoft uses to correct for wide-field imaging artefacts runs as a serial process, which limits the oversampling and support parameters that can be used on Setonix. Standard continuum processing (such as for EMU) has used the best set of parameters that would reliably fit on Setonix, but these are still sub-optimal in certain situations. The image above shows a region extracted from a recent EMU observation scaled to show the presence of curved wide-field artefacts around a bright source. These persist due to insufficient w-term correction. An alternative w-projection scheme that shares common resources over multiple threads is now being tested. This should reduce resource requirements for the current set of w-projection parameters and provide room to improve the widefield correction without exceeding system resources. (Image credit: Emil Lenc)