FLASH — The First Large Absorption Survey in HI — is an AKSAP Survey Science Project. FLASH will take advantage of ASKAP’s large spectral bandwidth (288 MHz) and wide field of view (30 square degrees) to detect and measure several hundred HI (neutral hydrogen) absorption lines — from both intervening and associated absorbers. This will provide a unique dataset for studies of galaxy evolution as well as a new estimate of the HI mass density at intermediate redshifts. ASKAP-FLASH is allowing us to learn about the neutral gas content of galaxies in the poorly-explored redshift range 0.4 < z < 1.0, where the HI emission line is too weak to be detectable in even the deepest ASKAP surveys. This week core members of the the FLASH team convened in Marsfield hungry to work on the latest data. And, as enthusiam needs to be sustained in other ways, some carefully crafted cupcakes were also prepared!