The ASKAP Update for October includes reports on survey progress, the return of Nyarluwarri (ak30) to the array, the use of RACS-based self-calibration, and a new observing mode designed to study Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) events. The image above is an example from a recent DINGO observation of the difference between self-calibration based on the observed data alone (left) and a new approach of beginning with a model based on RACS (right). For the new approach, phase-only self-calibration was done on time intervals of 200s, followed by one final round of amplitude self-calibration. The new approach offers the most benefit in imaging modes that have reduced continuum sensitivity, such as spectral line zoom bands. However, it is expected it will be a significant improvement when used in any imaging mode and it is planned to offer it as a standard pipeline feature in the near future.