The ASKAP Update for November reports on survey progress, mid-band observing priority, the next call for ATNF observing proposals, and ASKAP’s presence at the Perth Astrofest. The figure above is the integrated HI (neutral hydrogen) flux image of a recent WALLABY footprint. Each blob in this image is an HI detection of a galaxy (apart from a few faint false detections which have not yet been manually removed). The image was produced by the SoFiA source finding pipeline which is being run on all new footprints for the purpose of data validation. The HI emission from many galaxies in the local Universe can be seen, including a nearby spiral galaxy, NGC 1097, near the top-left corner. The inset shows an optical image of NGC 1097 from the Digitized Sky Survey with WALLABY HI contours overlaid, and reveals the presence of gas beyond the stellar disc, possibly from a recent interaction.