Title: Neutral Gas Galaxy Flows at High-z
by Kirsty Butler (Chalmers University)
Outflows are crucially important for the gas budget and evolution of luminous star-forming galaxies and AGNs, with observed mass outflow rates of the same order as the star formation rate. Greater star formation and black hole growth lead to more intense feedback and outflows, resulting in self-regulated galaxy growth. Multi-phase observations show that the cool molecular and atomic gas dominate the mass and momentum budget of massive galaxy outflows which additionally remove the direct fuel for star formation. In this talk I will present my work targeting molecular and atomic outflows at cosmic noon and dawn where the most extreme star formation and black hole activity is found but where current observations are severely lacking. Techniques commonly used to detect outflows in the nearby universe with emission lines, are, however, challenging or impossible with current technology at the high redshifts. Molecular absorption lines provide a powerful and reliable alternative which is demonstrated with the OH+ and OH molecules. Despite our efforts, sample numbers remain low, limiting the statistics we can do. My current work therefore aims to boost sample numbers, sample diversity and reliable neutral outflow tracers targeting the complex multiphase gas.