We’re pleased to announce that proposals for ATNF observing time are now open for the 2024APR semester, including the new ATNF long-term projects scheme. Grab your chance to use one of the world’s most advanced radio astronomy facilities.
Apply now for the:
– ASKAP radio telescope:
– Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA)
– Murriyang, the 64-m Parkes radio telescope
– Tidbinbilla radio antennas: the 70-m antenna Ballima (DSS-43) , and the 34-m (DSS-34) antenna; and-
Long Baseline Array.
Mark your calendars: the deadline for all proposals is 06:00 UT (17:00 Sydney local time) on Friday, 15 December 2023.
To submit your proposal, visit our online proposal application system, OPAL. Go to http://opal.atnf.csiro.au.
Important Changes for 2024APR:
* We expect to install the cryogenically cooled Phased Array Feed (CryoPAF) on Murriyang, the 64-m Parkes telescope, during Q1 2024. We are seeking expressions of interest for shared-risk proposals for July through September 2024. Please find details on shared-risk proposals here: https://www.atnf.csiro.au/observers/apply/avail.html#parkes_receivers
* We are introducing the ATNF Long-term projects scheme for the 2024APR semester. This scheme will be open for proposals once per year at the December deadline. Details on the scheme and guidelines on what should be included in the proposal are available in this section of the OPAL Users Guide: https://www.atnf.csiro.au/observers/docs/opal/guide.html#OPALLongTermProjects
* ATNF proposals are fully anonymised. Proposals that reveal applicant identities will be penalised by a reduction of scores or outright rejection for blatant breaches of anonymity (e.g. self-citations where the first author is listed by name). Please check the Proposal Guidance details here: https://www.atnf.csiro.au/observers/apply/avail.html#proposal_guidance for more info.
* We strongly encourage proposers to use this LaTeX template: http://www.overleaf.com/read/cgqpmvqjdrhq for ATNF scientific justifications (with appropriate BibTeX setup to support anonymisation).
* We continue using a new version of the OPAL system for 2024APR and encourage users to report any issues via email (atnf-datasup@csiro.au).
The file format for cover sheets and observations tables changed from 2022OCT onward. If you have files (in OXML format) from 2022APR and previous semesters please reload them into the OPAL editors, carefully re-check and update them, and save them in the new JSON format.
For more details on these changes and other important info about the current status of ATNF telescopes, visit https://www.atnf.csiro.au/observers/apply/avail.html.
To learn more about the application process and how to apply for ATNF telescope time, check out https://www.atnf.csiro.au/observers/apply/applications.html.
If you have any questions or need help with the proposal process or telescope availability, please reach out to George Heald at george.heald@csiro.au.
Having problems with your proposal submission? Contact us at atnf-opal@csiro.au, and we’ll be happy to assist.
As a Commonwealth agency, CSIRO is required to comply with Australia’s foreign policy settings and sanctions laws. Accordingly, CSIRO will not accept proposals for observing time on our Australia Telescope National Facility instruments from teams that include researchers at Russian or Belarussian state-owned or controlled institutions. CSIRO will continue to monitor and act in accordance with Australia’s evolving foreign policy settings and our assessment of the sanctions law compliance risks.