We are pleased to announce the release of version 2.1 of the ATNF Spectral Analysis Package (ASAP). This software is intended to be used for analysis of spectral line observations made with single dish radio telescopes.
ASAP2.1 is an incremental upgrade to the 2.0 release with new features and bug fixes. There are no significant changes to the user interface. All ASAP users are recommended to upgrade to this version.
Changes in the 2.1 release include:
* Full support for MOPS data
* Processing of Multibeam MX data
* Line Catalogs for both annotation plots and setting rest frequencies
* Median averaging
* Support of circular polarisations
* Disk based scantables for large data sets
* Custom plot annotations (text/arrow/line/regions)
* Export of fit parameters to text file
* Re-introduced custom quotients
* Fixed major fitter bug
* FFT flagging
Additionally we now supply binaries by default for:
* Fedora (core 3/5)
* Debian Sarge
* Ubuntu
* OSX (ppc,intel)
Other flavours of Linux are possible on request. Additionally it is now straightforward to compile ASAP (and CASA dependencies) directly from source.
Please note that at the moment at the ATNF ASAP2.1 does not run on hydra, minos, kaputar or bourbon (draco works). If you need to run asap on one of these machines, please contact the local IT support and put request for the machine you need (some system updates are needed on these machines).
For more information on ASAP, and for downloads please see
Users are welcome to join the asap email list: asap-users_at_atnf.csiro.au. To subscribe, send an email containing the single word ‘subscribe’ in the message body, as follows:
To: asap-users-request_at_atnf.csiro.au
Kind regards,
The ASAP Project Team
Malte Marquarding
Chris Phillips
Vince McIntyre