Applications for observing time are now invited for the 2011 APRS semester for the following telescopes:
Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA)
Parkes radio telescope
Mopra radio telescope
Tidbinbilla 70-m antenna
VLBI observations
The CLOSING DATE for all applications is 15 December 2010. Applications must arrive no later than midnight, Australian Eastern Standard Time (equivalent to 14:00 UT).
All applications must be submitted using the ATNF proposal application system, OPAL.
Important Information:
It is essential that you read the web information on the current status of the telescopes – see
This web page also includes an Invitation for Mopra and ATCA observers to participate in a trial study for Science Observing Centre (SOC) mode observing, building on a pilot study carried out during the 2010 APRS semester. Expressions of interest are invited from the principal investigators of 2011 APRS proposals for participation in this trial.
For further information on how to apply for ATNF telescope time see