Applications for observing time are now invited for the 2013 OCTS semester for the:
* Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA)
* Parkes 64-m telescope
* Tidbinbilla 70-m and 34-m antennas, and
* Long Baseline Array (VLBI).
It is expected ATNF proposals will next be accepted for Mopra for the 2014APR semester.
All applications must be submitted using the online proposal application system, OPAL (
Please note that as there have been some small but important changes to the cover sheets, all cover sheets from previous semesters should be re-loaded into the OPAL cover sheet editor and carefully re-checked. First time proposers in particular are encouraged to refer to the OPAL Users Guide before proposing.
The deadline for all proposals is 07:00 UT (17:00 Sydney local time), Monday 17 June 2013.
For information on how to apply for ATNF telescope time see .
In particular please read the web information on the current status of the ATNF telescopes at .