CSIRO is seeking an alternative operator or new funding sources for the Mopra Telescope from October 2012, when current Mopra funding will be redirected to ASKAP operations. Interested parties are invited to respond.

The Call for Expression of Interest (available from the “More Information” link below) describes the capabilities of Mopra and outlines the current operating costs. Several possible operating models are presented. CSIRO will assist with the design of alternative operating models, including models that trade cost against availability and functionality. CSIRO anticipates being able to provide support for the telescope from Narrabri and Sydney.

Expressions of interest to operate or fund Mopra should be submitted by 16 January 2012. Following this date, CSIRO will begin negotiating with potential partners that present viable cases. Expressions of interest from individual organisations or consortia should include prospects for funding, whether a particular model is preferred at this stage, and any desire to become part of and/or lead a collaboration.

More information.