Proposals for observing time are now invited for the 2015APR semester for the:
* Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA)
* Parkes 64-m telescope
* Mopra 22-m telescope
* Tidbinbilla 70-m and 34-m antennas, and
* Long Baseline Array (VLBI).
The deadline for all proposals is 06:00 UT (17:00 Sydney local time), ***Friday 12 December*** 2014.
All proposals must be submitted using the online proposal application system, OPAL (
Cover sheets from previous semesters should be re-loaded into the OPAL cover sheet editor and carefully re-checked.
Important information on the current status of ATNF telescopes is provided at .
A section at the top of this webpage notes some important changes for the 2015APR semester.
For information on how to apply for ATNF telescope time see .
For enquiries related to the proposal process or telescope availability, contact .
For problems with proposal submissions, contact .