The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is carrying out a process to reform the Commissions. All current Commissions will cease and, following a selection process, new Commissions will begin at the IAU General Assembly in August 2015.

Following a call for proposals, the IAU has received 53 Letters of Intent for Commissions. To indicate the community interest, IAU members are now requested to cast a vote for their preferences and can select up to three Commissions.

The form for voting is available at the link below. For detailed instructions and individual voting codes, see the email from the IAU General Secretary, Thierry Montmerle, sent on 5 or 6 Nov 2014. If you haven’t received the message from the General Secretary, or if you have a problem with your voting code, please contact

I encourage all IAU members to vote for their preferences and advise that a Letter of Intent has been submitted for a ‘new’ Commission for Radio Astronomy. This has the reference number NC-34.

Jessica Chapman
(President Commission 40 for Radio Astronomy)

The deadline for voting on Letters of Intent is 31 December 2014.

More information.