The CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science business unit, or CASS, is changing its name to ‘Space and Astronomy’ or S&A. The change will start rolling out from today with the change to be fully implemented by mid-year.

CASS was formed in 2009 to bring together CSIRO’s radio astronomy capabilities (the Australia Telescope National Facility) and other space science activities (notably the operation of the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex), as well as CSIRO Space Sciences and Technology (formerly also known as COSSA).

The change to Space and Astronomy doesn’t impact the operation of the ATNF, whose name and activities remain unchanged.

CSIRO has made the change in order to better reflect the work we do, which is broader than just Space Science in the space domain and includes supporting spacecraft tracking operations for NASA and ESA, engineering and technology development, and Earth observation, and to bring the business unit name into line with others across the organisation.

The change won’t impact the work we do or how we engage with our stakeholders, and doesn’t reflect a shift in emphasis for CSIRO where our astronomy activities, especially in the development of the Square Kilometre Array, remain significant.

More information.