We are advertising for a 3-year postdoctoral research fellow to work at the CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (previously known as the ATNF) in Sydney, Australia. The successful candidate will engage in pulsar timing research.
The postdoc will have access to data taken as part of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project and the timing of 160 pulsars for the Fermi Gamma-Ray Observatory mission. We require a dedicated and skilled individual to 1) carry out independent research using these data sets, 2) carry out
observations for these projects and 3) support the data reduction.

The job and application process are described in detail on
and applications must be made through the web site. Please
contact George Hobbs (george.hobbs@csiro.au) or Simon Johnston (simon.johnston@csiro.au) for more information about the position. The pulsar group currently consists of George Hobbs, Simon Johnston, Michael Keith, Richard Manchester and associated students. Ryan Shannon will
also be joining us within a few months.

More information.