In 2003 JANT we will be offering, for the first time, a limited amount of time on the 70-m antenna at Tidbinbilla for single-dish use. It is expected that the available time will mainly be used for spectroscopy in a service observing mode. The 70-m antenna is equipped with 1, 3, 13 and 18-cm receivers. In particular the 1-cm system is the most sensitive in the southern hemisphere, covering 18.0 to 26.5 GHz at a system emperature of 60 Jy. Tidbinbilla is equipped with an ATNF multibeam correlator block capable of two polarisation products, with up to 2048 channels, each with 32 or 64 MHz bandwidth, or up to 4 polarisation products with a total of 8192 channels (e.g. 2 x 4096 channels) and bandwidth of 16 MHz or less.
Please see the Observers page for details.