Applications are invited for a five year position as project scientist on the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) project at AustraliaÂ’s principal radio astronomical facility, the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), CSIRO. NB: Due to project requirements, applicants must be available for commencement before 13 June 2008.

Working together with the senior project scientist and other senior ASKAP project staff, a major responsibility will be to lead the development of the ASKAP User Policy by liaising with the national and international community to both inform and gather feedback on the science operations and observing protocols for ASKAP.

The project scientist will organise science meetings and forums with the national and international astronomy communities, foster collaboration between the various groups, and consult widely with the user community on ASKAP policies where related to science.

The successful applicant will have significant time for independent research and is expected to continue a vital science program, ideally with strong alignment with the potential science using ASKAP.

Applications for this 5 year appointment close 5 May 2008.

To apply and further details – go to More Information and enter Job Reference Number 2008/481

More information.