Next: Correlation Up: Australia Telescope National Facility Previous: VLBI scheduling and coordination

Conditions for all potential users:


  1. The VLBI network will operate under guideline similar to the ATCA and Parkes. There will be no absentee observing and proposers are expected to participate in the observing. Personnel requirements can be quite large i.e. at least 1 person for each observing shift. To simplify observing arrangements, proposers may trade observing sessions with other projects. The VLBI coordinator will coordinate the arrangements for observing.


  2. Use of antennas which are not part of the National Facility require the cooperation of the home institution and such permission is the responsibility of the proposer. Detailed information and contact persons may be obtained from the VLBI scheduler, who will assist with overall coordination.


  3. Disks for VLBI recording are in limited supply and proposers may be required to provide additional disks for special observations with extreme recording capacity needs.


  4. Disk-based recording systems have now been adopted on all LBA antennas.



Next: Correlation Up: Australia Telescope National Facility Previous: VLBI scheduling and coordination

VLBI programs 2007-10-18