Our international reputation in radio astronomy has been built on our innovation in instrumentation. Murriyang is more than 60 years old but with advances in receiver technology and signal processing delivered by our engineers, has continued to be state-of-the-art. ATCA is currently undergoing a transformational upgrade of its entire signal processing system crucial to pursuing the science at which it excels, including the burgeoning field of transient sources. ASKAP is equipped with innovative phased array feeds with an unprecedented field‑of-view and bespoke digital signal processing systems that process 100 terabits per second of raw data.

The ATNF Technologies for Radio Astronomy (TFRA) program is dedicated to developing, and applying, new technology and advanced design techniques to radio astronomy and allied fields. Expertise within the organization spans a very wide range, from ultra-low-noise millimetre-wave receivers, through the spectrum of digital signal processing, to precision servo control systems. The breadth of activities encompasses both design and in-house implementation capabilities – a strength exploited in internal programs and external contract work.

Recent projects undertaken by TFRA can be found on the Instrumentation page.

Key staff:

  • Mark Bowen, Program Leader, Technologies for Radio Astronomy
  • Stephanie Smith, Group Leader, Antenna & Receiver Technologies
  • Aaron Chippendale, Group Leader, Signal Processing Technologies

The capabilities of the technologies group are closely complemented by the Software and Computing Group, which provides the crucial software support required to commission and operate new instruments as National Facilities.

The Software and Computing Group currently sits within the ATNF Operations program.