Space & Astronomy runs Radio Astronomy Schools, with the aim to provide knowledge and hands-on experience of radio astronomy to people new to the field, including PhD students and post-doctoral researchers. The intended audience for these schools includes postgraduate students and other interested researchers as well as members of ATNF staff in related roles. No prior experience with radio astronomy is required. The format of the school is typically a mix of lectures and practical hands-on sessions, with material presented by both radio astronomers and engineers. Lectures cover both single dish telescopes and interferometers but the emphasis of the school has been more on interferometry.

Schools have been held on average every two years since 1989, mostly on-site at the ATNF’s Paul Wild Observatory, home to the Australia Telescope Compact Array, near Narrabri, NSW.

The most recent Radio School was hosted by CSIRO, the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research and the SKA Observatory (SKAO) and will be held in Geraldton, Western Australia, during the week of 30 September –  4 October. As in previous years, the 2024 Radio School was aimed at PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in astronomy. The format of the School was similar to previous ATNF Radio Schools, with a mix of lectures and practical sessions. No prior experience with radio interferometry was required.

In line with the first of these west-coast radio schools in 2018, the focus was on the new capabilities provided by the Murchison Widefield Array, CSIRO’s ASKAP radio telescope and the SKAO’s SKA-Low telescope in Western Australia as well as opportunities for engagement with the SKAO.

In addition to teaching the fundamentals of radio interferometry, the School introduced participants to hands-on reduction of data from ASKAP and MWA. With ASKAP and MWA in full science operations, the School also facilitated more cross-use of the two facilities and to expose participants to tools and techniques likely to be useful for analysis of data from the future SKA telescopes. Participants were also introduced to the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, part of which is dedicated to the reduction and analysis of radio astronomy data.

If you have any questions about the Radio School, please contact Amanda Gray at