5 -6 February 2025


Marsfield: Lecture Theatre

Kensington: Auditorium

Black Mountain: Greenhood room

Day 1: Wednesday 5 February

SessionTime (AEDT)Time (AWST)SpeakerTitleLocation
112:00 – 13:1509:00 – 10:15Chair: Angela SojanMarsfield
112:00 9:00 Olivia AndersonMiniXRF Data Processing: Software ConversionBlack Mountain
112:159:15Jackson Mitchell-BoltonSearching for Dark Matter with PulsarsMarsfield
112:309:30Angela, Jackson, Mark Marsfield Observing 1 + 2Marsfield
112:459:45Tan Dung TuNew configurations for the ATCAMarsfield
113:0010:00Lachlan TobinAutoencoder Methods for Astronomical Anomaly DetectionMarsfield
Recording of Session 1 Talks
13:1510:15Lunch (NSW/ACT), Morning tea (WA)
213:45 – 15:0010:45 – 12:00Chair: Saf FlattersKensington
213:4510:45Mark SukhovHunting Interference: Identifying and Analyzing RFI in Radio ObservationsMarsfield
214:0011:00Josh FergusonThe Peculiar Pulses of CU VirKensington
214:1511:15Mac ButtonA Southern Hemisphere Catalogue of Compact Symmetric ObjectsKensington
214:3011:30Amelie ReadWeighing Supermassive Black Holes in the Early UniverseKensington
Recording of Session 2 Talks

Day 2: Thursday 6 February

SessionTime (AEDT)Time (AWST)SpeakerTitleLocation
312:00 – 13:1509:00 – 10:15Chair: Jayde WillinghamSession 3Marsfield
312:00 9:00Raymond TrinhDocumenting the Googong DION siteBlack Mountain
312:159:15Alex VickeryWater from Space: Validation of SWOT Data over the Googong Dam using GNSSBlack Mountain
12:309:30Catherine SmithAsteroid SHAPE modellingTidbinbilla
12:459:45Angela SojanFacilitating Human-Computer Collaboration in the Visualisation of ASKAP Hardware AnomaliesMarsfield
13:0010:00Ryan WhiteFolding Visibilities Where No Visibilities Have Been Folded BeforeMarsfield
Recording of Session 3 talks
13:1510:15Lunch (NSW/ACT), Morning tea (WA)
413:45 – 15:0010:45 – 12:00Chair: Lizzy PhillipsSession 4Kensington
413:4510:45Jayde WillinghamThe Fine Print of the Universe: Detecting Hyperfine Structures in the Spectra of Masers.Marsfield
414:0011:00Sophia GraingerBreakthrough Listen: The World’s Largest SETI Search Using The Parkes Radio TelescopeMarsfield
414:1511:15Jayde, Sophia, Jackson, TanMarsfield Obs 3 + 4Marsfield
414:3011:30Ryan, Noah, Mark, Angela, Lachlan, TanMarsfield Obs 5 + 6Marsfield
414:4511:45Saf FlattersExploring Skewness as a Measure of Interplanetary ScintillationKensington
Recording of Session 4 talks
15:0012:00Afternoon tea (NSW/ACT), Lunch (WA)
515:30 – 16:3012:30 – 13:30Chair: Alex VickerySession 5Black Mountain
515:3012:30Lizzy PhillipsCommissioning & Operations Science with SKA-LowKensington
515:4512:45Jasper FromantCommissioning & Operations Science with SKA-LowKensington
516:0013:00Jasper, Lizzy, Saf, Joel, Amelie, Mac, JoshKensington Obs 1 + 2Kensington
516:1513:15Noah WestRadar Doppler Delay Analysis of AsteroidsMarsfield
Recording of Session 5 talks

Symposium Call-in Details

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Wednesday 5 February

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Video ID: 131 083 437 2

Thursday 6 February

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Meeting ID: 450 486 823 071

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Video ID: 133 268 945 3

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