Astronomical Tools and Software
Supported Data Analysis Packages and Libraries |
AIPS | Astronomical Image Processing System, produced by NRAO. |
ASAP | The ATNF Spectral Analysis Package. |
ASKAPSoft | Using CSIRO's ASKAPsoft data reduction package at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. |
ATELIB | Australia Telescope Ephemeris library used by the ATCA. |
CASAcore | Common Astronomy Software Applications core library, produced by the CASA consortium. |
Duchamp | Advanced source finding tool, particularly suited to 3-d data. |
IDL | Commercial data analysis/visualisation package. Available at the ATNF on serpens by typing idl. Information on the local installation is available in /nfs/applic/idl/README.user. Some generic help for astronomers is available on the web. |
Karma | Package for visualising multi-dimensional images, signal and image processing applications. |
livedata/gridzilla | Multibeam single-dish data reduction system for bandpass calibration and gridding (includes rp2sdfits). Used for processing Parkes multibeam and Mopra data. |
Mathematica | Commercial mathematical package/environment. Available on dylan. |
MIRIAD | ATNF's version of the venerable radio interferometry data reduction package. Used for processing most ATCA synthesis data. |
RPFITS | Library that implements the FITS-like format in which raw ATNF synthesis and single-dish data is written. |
WCSLIB | Library that implements of the FITS World Coordinate System (WCS) convention. |
Installed, but Unsupported Data Analysis Packages and Libraries |
CASApy | Common Astronomy Software Applications - the full NRAO package. Produced by the CASA consortium. |
Pulsar group software | Tempo2 - pulsar timing software. PSRCat - ATNF pulsar catalogue software. |
difmap | Synthesis imaging software from Caltech. |
DRAO | Synthesis imaging software from Canada's Dominion Radio Astronomy Observatory. |
FTOOLS | FITS file manipulation Tools, from NASA's High Energy Astrophyics Science Archive Research Center. |
Gildas | Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software - gag, class etc ... |
GIPSY | Groningen Image Processing System, from the Kapteyn Institute, Dept of Astronomy |
IRAF | Image Reduction and Analysis Facility. |
SPC | Spectral Line Reduction package (replaced by ASAP). |
UniPOPS | A spectral reduction package used with Parkes and Mopra data. |
Visualisation Software | Software for aiding visualisation of multidimensional data. |
Plotting and Data Formats |
FITS | IAU-standard astronomical data format. |
PGPLOT | Graphics plotting package. |
SuperMongo (SM) | Graphics plotting package. A tutorial is also available. |
Tidy | Check your web pages' HTML syntax and accessibility level. |
Compilers and Development Environments |
Solaris-2 Workshop | Solaris-2 Workshop and Compiler Documentation |
Interactive Web Tools |
Live! VRI | The Virtual Radio Interferometer; includes UV-coverage, fourier transforms, and more! Let's you simulate various "what-if" scenarios in radio interferometry. |
Coord. | Calculate Rise and Set times of Sources |
Planets. | Position of the planets and moon |
Radial Velocities. | Calculates the radial velocity components of Earth, Sun etc. |
InterSat | Plots positions of interfering satelites from any site. |
Tools from HEASARC | HEASARC tools include a coordinate converter which accepts source names as well as coordinates. |
Telescope Control Software |
ATOMS | Australia Telescope Observatory Management System. Used at the ATCA and Mopra. |
TCS | Telescope Control System. Used for observing at Parkes and Mopra. |
RFI Characterisation at the ATNF |
INTER | Interactive interference characterization program. A description and user manual are available here. |
RFI over Australia | Animated gifs of flux densities over Australia in bands from 100MHz to 10GHz with trans-horizon effects. |