Tribute by Tim Bedding (School of Physics, University of Sydney)
Tim writes “Everyone remembers their first paper. Mine was Caswell, Kesteven, Bedding & Turtle (1989) . Jim was kind enough to include me, a mere third-year student who had made a modest contribution during a winter school at Molonglo Observatory (shown above). I’ve always remembered his generous approach and tried to emulate it ever since. A wonderful man.”
Caswell et al. 1989: G357.7-0.1 – A double-lobed radio source? The radio source G357.7-0.1 has commonly been regarded as a galactic supernova remnant; alternative interpretations have concentrated on the pronounced brightness gradient along its major axis. Analysis of a new map shows that this brightness gradient masks an even more crucial characteristic – symmetry about the center – the key to a totally different interpretation.
Link: Short biography of James (Jim) Caswell who died Jan 14, 2015